Latest news from Google is that it will launch the cheap android smartphone, named Android One, which will feature 4.5inch display, FM radio, expandable memory and of course, dual SIM. Dual SIM is much more relevant in emerging markets where the concept of phones on contract is yet to kick off.
The device will run on stock Android, with some regional apps pre-loaded. The device will go on sale for under $100, which shouldn’t translate to anything more than 6,500 INR in India.
The Android One program guarantees that the phones that come out of it will run on the most recent Android release, as Google will push updates to those phones similar to the way it handles GPE devices. but Sundar Pichai didn't specify neither its resolution, nor further specifications.
Maybe more news or details will be shown later. So just focus on our website 1949deal and blog to know more about the latest android smartphones or geeks.
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