1949deal announced the amazing news that some hot and high-end smartphones are coming now. For example, Xiaomi Note pro 64gb, the best smartphone of Xiaomi with the first Snapdragon 810 Octa core 2.0ghz CPU. The most competitive brand, Letv also released letv one and Letv one pro 32gb and 64gb with the first Mediatek Helio X10 Octa core 64bit CPU and Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Octa Core 64Bit 2.0GHz processor. However, Lenovo VIBE Z2 Pro k920 is in stock again, the 6inch 3gb smartphone. More good news is that they all can enjoy big coupon from us.
1)XIAOMI NOTE Pro Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Octa Core 2.0GHz MIUI 6 Android 5.0 Smartphone 4GB Ram 64GB Rom 5.7 Inch 2K SHARP JDI Screen 4G LTE
$5 coupon code: 1949deal2013
Check more: Xiaomi note pro
Check more: Xiaomi note pro
Watch first review of Letv one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISSgiamhrt8
2) LETV One MediaTek Helio X10 Octa Core 64Bit 2.2GHz EUI Smartphone 3GB Ram 16GB Rom 5.5 Inch FHD SHARP Screen 4G LTE
$5 coupon code: 1949deal2013
White: Letv One
$5 coupon code: 1949deal2013
White: Letv One
3) LETV One Pro Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Octa Core 64Bit 2.0GHz EUI Smartphone 4GB Ram 32GB Rom 5.5 Inch 2K SHARP Screen 4G LTE
$5 Coupon code: 1949deal2013
32gb Silver: Letv One pro
32gb Golden: Letv One pro
64gb Silver: Letv One pro
64gb Golden: Letv One pro
32gb Silver: Letv One pro
32gb Golden: Letv One pro
64gb Silver: Letv One pro
64gb Golden: Letv One pro
4)Lenovo VIBE Z2 PRO Lenovo K920 Snapdragon 801 Quad Core 2.5GHz Android 4.4 Smartphone 3GB Ram 32GB Rom 6.0 Inch 2K Screen 4G LTE
$5 Coupon code: 1949deal2013
Silver : Lenovo K920
Golden: Lenovo K920
Grey: Lenovo k920
Silver : Lenovo K920
Golden: Lenovo K920
Grey: Lenovo k920
In all, Chinese big brands are full of competition. Which one will you choose first, Xiaomi Note pro 64gb,letv one, letv one pro 32gb and 64gb, Lenovo VIBE Z2 Pro k920 ? Meanwhile, you can get more the first, exclusive and latest news about our products on facebook, just like 1949deal facebook to not miss anything surprising. You can also subscribe 1949deal youtube channel to enjoy the latest hands on review from us. 1949deal always exposed the unexpected and surprising news for you.
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